Camlock couplings
Camlock couplings or cam and groove couplings form the end connection of discharge and fill lines of bulk loading and unloading lines. Couplings from 1"-8" size are available in aluminum, SS or brass material.
Vapor recovery adapter
Vapor recovery adapters are designed to minimize pressure drop and maximize the efficiency of the recovery of petroleum vapors during tanker loading and unloading operations. They incorporate a lightweight aluminum construction for increased payload and reduced maintenance.Multi-compartment loading at high flow rates with vapor return is possible without exceeding P/V vent pressure ratings.
API Adapters
API Adapters are the road tankers connection valve for filling at the loading rack and for unloading by hose at the service station. They are designed to incorporate maximum safety, high flow, low-pressure drop, easy maintenance and offer a long service life. The simplicity of their design makes them ideal for oil companies and transporters of petroleum products.
Gravity Drop Adaptors, specifically designed for use with API adaptors when discharging product are available in standard sizes.